There are SO many to count, but today we will focus on the top 5 benefits of chiropractic care 1. Better Sleep
There are many reasons why people have trouble sleeping. Many are uncomfortable, and if areas along their spine are sub-luxated or irritated, they will not feel comfortable, and their body will not properly rest. We see this a lot in babies, and after only a few gentle adjustments, they are sound sleepers. So many of the infants that we see are sleeping 12 hours by 12 weeks of age. If they are not, please reach out to me for a consultation. 2. Decreased Headaches There are so many reasons for headaches too! Tension is the #1 that we see in our practice, and that is what chiropractic can affect the most. Sub-occipital nerves in back of head can get tight, and that tension creates headaches. Move the bones and decrease the pressure on the nerves of the neck, and there will be less pain and dizziness. Vertigo is another thing that we can help with! 3. Better Posture Tightness in the thoracic spine can cause the upper back curve to increase. This makes it harder to stand up straight and causes the head to lean forward. Which can then result in symptoms such as headache and fatigue. Adjusting the spine regularly increases the flexibility of the spine, making it easier and more comfortable for the patient to be upright. Posture pictures are taken in our office on the first visit and throughout the process of your chiropractic care. So many vistal changes are seen, and you can look back on our Facebook and Instagram pages for some posture wins! 4. Decreased Pain This is usually what brings a person into our office. Of course, back pain and neck pain are pretty common, but there are many regions of the body that can be helped with chiropractic care. Shoulder pain or dysfunction, knee or ankle pain, problems with the feet (plantar fasciitis, ankle sprains), elbow pain (tennis elbow) or wrist issues (carpal tunnel) are all issues we can help with at Healthy Living Chiropractic! 5. Improved Athletic Performance As a previous athletic trainer and a chiropractor with a sports emphasis, Dr. Adrienne has seen her share of athletes and athletic injuries. Adjustments increase the movement of the spine and extremities, which leads to a better golf swing or an improved throwing arm for pitchers. Also, those who work out will notice increased range of motion with movements and less injuries with activities. If you are dealing with any of these concerns, and would like some help with them, please reach out to our office. Now is the time to help your body to sleep and function better overall with chiropractic care!
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AuthorMary Ritenour Archives
September 2024
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Contact UsHOURSMonday & Wednesday 9:30 am - 6:00 pm
Thursday 10:00 am - 1:00 pm Friday 8:00 am - 1:00 pm Every Other Saturday 8:30 am – 12:30 pm |
Location10125 Crosstown Circle, Suite 115
Eden Prairie, MN 55344 |